The Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) recently completed its “Simplifying Environmentally Preferable Purchasing” project, which was funded by the Roy A. Hunt Foundation. As part of the project, NERC developed Model Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Specifications and Purchasing Guidelines for paper, toner cartridges, and office supplies. NERC also created fact sheets on each of the EPP Model documents, and presented a webinar on the importance of EPP and the EPP model documents.
Model EPP Specifications and Purchasing Guidelines
- Copy and Multipurpose Paper: Model EPP Specifications and Purchasing Guidelines
- Monochrome Toner Cartridges: Model EPP Specifications and Purchasing Guidelines
- Office Supplies: Model EPP Specifications and Purchasing Guidelines
Simplifying EPP Webinar, July 24, 2014
NERC has also compiled a list of other EPP specifications available online. Check out complete project information on the Simplifying Environmentally Preferable Purchasing page of the NERC web site.
For more information on environmentally preferable purchasing, see the SEI Resource Compilation, “Sustainable Purchasing & Supply Chains.” If you would like to suggest resources to add to that compilation, please contact Joy Scrogum.