This post was written by ISTC staff member Kirsten Walker.
Join us for a webinar on Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT. This seminar will be hosted at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) in Champaign, IL, and simultaneously broadcast online. The presentation will be archived on the ISTC web site (see for more information and additional webinar archives).
Dr. John Rogers, Lee J. Flory Founder Chair in Engineering Innovation, professor of materials science and engineering, professor of chemistry, and director of the F. Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will present “Water Soluble Electronics.” Register online for this webinar at
Abstract: A characteristic feature of modern silicon integrated circuit technology is its ability to operate in a stable, reliable fashion, almost indefinitely for practical purposes. Recent work demonstrates that carefully selected sets of materials and device designs enable a class of silicon electronics that has the opposite behavior — it physically disappears in water or biofluids, in a controlled manner, at programmed times, and in an environmentally benign way. This talk summarizes recent work on this type of ‘transient’ electronics technology, ranging from basic studies of dissolution of the key materials, to development of components and systems with radio frequency operation, to invention of schemes for externally ‘triggering’ transient behavior.
Watch the SEI calendar for additional upcoming webinar dates. You may contact Nancy Holm, SEI Research Coordinator, to be added to the mailing list to receive email notifications of upcoming seminars.